The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane 1976.avi

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They say in how-to books and classes about screenplay writing that the author must grab his audience's attention within the first 25 pages (roughly the first 25 minutes of screentime) or run the risk of completely losing their interest. One of the many qualities of The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976), one of the best and most unsung films of the seventies, is just how quickly it generates tension, mystery, and utter fascination. There isn't a movie quite like it, nor is it easily categorized: it's sort of a horror movie, something like a suspense-thriller, and partly something else, something maybe indefinable.

Jodie Foster stars as Rynn, who in the first scene is celebrating her 13th birthday (which is also, coincidentally, Halloween), lighting the candles of a birthday cake she has made for herself. There's a knock at the door of her small but attractive house (on the Canadian coastline), and creepy neighbor Frank (Martin Sheen), the wayward son of Rynn's unpleasant, racist landlady, Mrs. Hallett (Alexis Smith), pushes his way through the door and introduces himself.

Within minutes, it becomes clear that married Frank is a child predator setting his sights on Rynn. As he makes advances on her, she oddly dances around his moves rather than call upon her unseen father, a well-known poet apparently working in another part of the house. Later, there are obvious clues that neither Rynn's mother (dead, so she says) or father are around at all, and that somehow she's been living in the house all by herself for some time. Where are they? What happened to them?

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