Другие названия:
Little Big Sister
Forbudt for børn
Режиссер: Jesper W. Nielsen
Год: 1997
Страна: Дания
Время: 43 минут
Жанр: Drama
Ogginoggen, second part of the film Forbudt for born: Ida's life looks a lot better now that her mother has come to her rescue and sobered up. Now Ida can hopefully be the kid she's supposed to be. But life keeps throwing more hard lessons at her; this time about friends, relationships, love, even sex and boys. But hasn't Ida always said that boys were just 'ughy oggenoggs'!? - Al Fonz
Спорные сцены
Stephania Potalivo (11) and Amalie Dollerup (11) in the shower. Full nudity.
Ida's little brother (5) appears nude in the midst of the older kids' dance contest.