
[реклама вместо картинки]

Другие названия:
The Crows
Режиссер: Dorota Kedzierzawska
Год: 1994
Страна: Польша
Время: 66 минут
Жанр: Drama

A crow is a raucous, abrasive, unloved bird, and an apt nickname
for the lead character in Dorota Kedzierzawska's Crows -- a 9-year
old girl who possesses all of the above characteristics
(although the first two could be the result of the third).
This short and simple film is beautiful not only in its
emotionally-honest story but in its cinematography, which won
an international award.

Crows is about the basic human need for companionship and love,
and echoes the age-old theme that no person is an island.
The Crow (as the protagonist is referred to) is routinely
scorned by her schoolmates and ignored by a mother who's always
too tired for her. Eventually, wanting some sort of family life
of her own, the Crow kidnaps a 3-year old child and attempts to
leave Poland by sea. Most of the film centers around the
relationship between these two girls as the older one
recognizes that being a parent entails more than giving and receiving love.

Director Dorota Kedzierzawska has done a marvelous
job of coaxing unaffected performances from her young actors.
The movie works because these children are believable.
Their relationship is fraught with all the complications
and complexities one might expect when a 9-year old with
limited patience seeks an outlet for a wellspring of untapped love.
Crows has a style perfectly wedded to its plot: fresh, bright, and touching.

Спорные сцены

Both girls (3 and 9) seen nude separately in bath scene.
The older one (9) is seen from the rear when undressing.


[реклама вместо картинки]
