C'est la vie / La Baule-les-Pins
Другие названия:
C'est la vie (USA)
Режиссер: Diane Kurys
Год: 1990
Страна: Франция
Время: 110 минут
Жанр: Drama
During the late 50s Frederique and Sophie,
two sisters 13 and eight years old, are sent with a
governess to spend their summer in Brittany.
Their parents never disclose why they are not going
to Brittany with them, but the secret cannot be kept
from the children .
Спорные сцены
The younger girl (Candice Lefranc, 8) is seen topless a
couple of times; first when changing for bed, and then a
few glimpses of her chest when she's wearing overalls
without a shirt underneath. Later on we find her nude
outside with some other children around a play pool.
And still later, there's a scene where she has to share
a bed with a boy her age (Maxime Boidron, 10). Once alone,
she asks, "Shall we get up?" but the boy has a different idea.
"Let's take our pajamas off," he says.
Julie Bataille and Alexis Derlon share a first kiss.
[реклама вместо картинки]
[реклама вместо картинки]
[реклама вместо картинки]