Aldri mer 13!

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Другие названия:
Goodbye 13!
Режиссер: Sirin Eide
Год: 1996
Страна: Норвегия
Время: 80 минут
Жанр: Drama / Family

13-year-old Rikke sees Bea, the new girl in her class, as a challenge.
After an endurance test to find which of them can lie longer in a circle of flames,
they become friends. However, as a result of some unfortunate truths and half-truths,
the friendship falters. Rikke feels that Bea has let her down, and resolves to
continue the rivalry between them, but now in a less physical, more artful way.
In addition we meet Rikke's elder sister Ninni, who has been in England to learn the language,
and has had to leave her great love, a man twelve years her senior. The film is also about
the problems Rikke encounters in fulfilling the expectations of those around her as she approaches womanhood.

Спорные сцены

In a scene we can see the girl running through the boys locker room and shower.
We can see a lot of nude boys (12-14) in their early teens.

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DOWNLOAD  part1 part2