
[реклама вместо картинки]

Другие названия:
I Am (English title)
Режиссер: Dorota Kedzierzawska
Год: 2005
Страна: Польша
Время: 96 минут
Жанр: Drama
Ключевые слова: boy-bath-scene, boy-nudity, girl-bath-scene, girl-nudity

An eleven-year-old (Piotr Jagielski) escapes from an orphanage and returns to his
hometown where the other kids call him "Mongrel" and his young alcoholic mother
(Edyta Jungowska) kicks him out again. Undaunted, he sets up quarters of his own in an abandoned barge.
"Mongrel's" survival stratagems and day-to-day encounters show he's not only resourceful but
a fundamentally good person. He and an unhappy girl his age (Agnieszka Nagorzycka) from a posh house
nearby discover a sense of affection and love in each other's company. "Mongrel" forages,
sells scrap metal, and deals with some of the adults in town. Dreaming of being a poet some day,
he avoids the bad kids who chase him and sniff glue and doesn't drink or smoke.
Спорные сцены

Kuleczka (Agnieszka Nagorzycka, 11) visits Kundel (Piotr Jagielski, 11)
one evening and invites him to her house. They go into the bathroom together
where Kundel takes a bath (with his underwear still on) while Kuleczka lights some candles.
The romantic moment is cut off short when the girl's older sister comes home unexpectedly
and starts knocking on the bathroom door. The boy quickly jumps out from bathtub and escapes
through an open window, while Kuleczka undresses and takes his place in the tub before her sister walks in.
Brief full nudity of the girl Agnieszka, partial butt exposure of Piotr, the boy.

[реклама вместо картинки]

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