Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids
Другие названия:
The Kids of Sonagachi (USA: working title)
Режиссер: Zana Briski, Ross Kauffman
Год: 2004
Страна: Индия
Время: 85 минут
Admist the apparent growing prosperity of India, there is a dark underbelly of poverty of another side of the nation that is little known.
This film is a chronicle of filmmakers Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman's efforts to show that world of Calcutta's red light district.
To do that, they inspired a special group of children of the prostitutes of the area to photograph the most reluctant subjects of it.
As the kids excel in their new found art, the filmmakers struggle to help them have a chance for a better
life away from the miserable poverty that threatens to crush their dreams.
TITULO ORIGINAL: Born into Brothels
ANO: 2004
DURACION: 85 min.
PAIS: Estados Unidos
DIRECTOR: Ross Kauffman, Zana Briski
GUION: Ross Kauffman, Zana Briski
MUSICA : John McDowell
FOTOGRAFIA: Ross Kauffman & Zana Briski
Los ninos del Barrio Rojo de Calcuta viven rodeados de pobreza, abuso y desesperacion.
Zana Briski, fotografa profesional, intento ofrecer una oportunidad a los hijos de las
prostitutas de este barrio regalandoles camaras y material fotografico.
Una instantania fue el vehiculo para traer la esperanza y la ilusion a una de las zonas mas pobres del mundo.
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