Je vous salue, Marie / Hail Mary (1984, Jean-Luc Godard)

[реклама вместо картинки]

Myriem Roussel (Marie), Thierry Rode (Joseph), Phillippe Lacoste (Archaniol Gabriel),
Malachi Jara Kohan (Jezus), Juliette Binoche (Juliette)

In the Godard film, Mary is an ordinary teenager who plays basketball and vows that she will sleep with no man.
Her father runs a service station. Her boyfriend, Joseph, drives a taxi. An angel arrives by jet plane,
is taken to the service station in Joseph's taxi and tells Mary that she will soon bear God's child.
In the film, much is made of Mary's puzzlement over this announcement. When she discovers that she is pregnant,
she insists to her parents, Joseph and her gynecologist that she is a virgin - something that her doctor confirms.
It serves as a reminder that this woman was not only the mother of Christ, but also, in every respect,
a human being with apprehensions and fears.

Je vous salue, Marie