Watch Me Fly / Tosepiger (1996)

Description: Two preteen girls (Stephanie Leon, Laura Elisabeth Christensen)
are best friends until the mother of one buys pigeons from the father of
the other and cooks them, one of our heroine's now holding the other
responsible for the death of her pets. Yet, time heals wounds, and as
these two mend their relationship by caring for a hurt bird, interactions
with siblings and parents as well as moments of first love occur.
Спорные сцены

Maj-Brit (Stephanie Leon, 12) and Christina (Laura Christensen, 12)
bathed together. A father of one of the girls came to a bathroom during their play.
After a short talk Maj-Brit got up rapidly and stepped out of the bathtub.
Full nudity of the girl.

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[реклама вместо картинки][реклама вместо картинки][реклама вместо картинки]
[реклама вместо картинки][реклама вместо картинки][реклама вместо картинки]
